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In v1.2.0, I created some boilerplate Luau types. This is immediately accessible when creating macros in Studio (use the Create Macro macro to see this). If developing in an IDE (e.g., VSCode) you will want to copy + paste the following code, and require it in your macro scripts to get the luau intellisense. This isn't ideal I realise, but this is plugin needs a fairly unconventional design to work as it does!

export type Janitor = {
Add: (self: Janitor, object: any, methodName: boolean | string | nil, index: any?) -> any,

export type InstanceUtil = {
IntroduceInstance: (self: InstanceUtil, instance: Instance, dontSetWaypoint: boolean?) -> nil,
ClearInstance: (self: InstanceUtil, instance: Instance, doDestroy: boolean) -> nil,

export type Logger = {
MacroInfo: (self: Logger, macro: PopulatedMacroDefinition, ...any) -> nil,
MacroWarn: (self: Logger, macro: PopulatedMacroDefinition, ...any) -> nil,

export type RaycastUtil = {
RaycastMouse: (self: RaycastUtil, distance: number, raycastParams: RaycastParams?, checkAllCollisionGroups: boolean?) -> RaycastResult,
Raycast: (
self: RaycastUtil,
origin: Vector3,
direction: Vector3,
distance: number,
raycastParams: RaycastParams?,
checkAllCollisionGroups: boolean?
) -> RaycastResult,

export type MacroState = {
FieldValues: { [string]: any }, -- Keys are FieldNames, Values are FieldValues
IsRunning: boolean?,
IsKeybindDisabled: boolean?,
_Server: MacroState?,
_Client: MacroState?,

export type MacroFieldTypeName = "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "Color3" | "Vector3"
export type MacroField = {
Type: MacroFieldTypeName,
Name: string,
IsRequired: boolean?,
Validator: ((value: any) -> string)?,

export type MacroDefinition = {
Name: string,
NameColor: Color3?,
Icon: string?,
IconColor: Color3?,
Group: string?,
GroupColor: Color3?,
GroupIcon: string?,
GroupIconColor: Color3?,
Description: string?,
LayoutOrder: number?,
EnableAutomaticUndo: boolean?,
IgnoreGameProcessedKeybinds: boolean?,
AutoRun: boolean?,
Keybind: { Enum.KeyCode }?, -- {}
Fields: { MacroField }?, -- {}
State: MacroState?,
Disabled: boolean?,
Function: (macro: PopulatedMacroDefinition, plugin: Plugin) -> any,
BindToClose: ((macro: PopulatedMacroDefinition, plugin: Plugin) -> any)?,
BindToOpen: ((macro: PopulatedMacroDefinition, plugin: Plugin) -> any)?,

export type PopulatedMacroDefinition = MacroDefinition & {
Icon: string,
Group: string,
Description: string,
LayoutOrder: number,
EnableAutomaticUndo: boolean,
IgnoreGameProcessedKeybinds: boolean,
AutoRun: boolean,
IsLocalMacro: boolean,
Keybind: { Enum.KeyCode },
Fields: { MacroField },
FieldChanged: BindableEvent,
State: MacroState,
RunJanitor: Janitor,
Disabled: boolean,
GetFieldValue: (self: PopulatedMacroDefinition, fieldName: string) -> any,
ToggleIsRunning: (self: PopulatedMacroDefinition) -> (),
IsRunning: (self: PopulatedMacroDefinition) -> boolean,

return {}